
annual maricopa teaching and learning with technology conference .08: update .1

Maricopa's Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference planning has begun.

TLTC .08 will be at Mesa Community College on May 13, 2008. Featured speakers include Michael Wesch, Alan Levine and (hopefully) Project Tomorrow. Stay tuned for more....

Back from Educause, Off to CIT

I'm back from a wonderful trip to Educause with some Instructional Technology Leadership Council faculty members (John Lampignano, Alisa Cooper, and Mary Jane Onnen).

While Educause National is my favorite annual conference (ps conference materials are now posted, so you can go look for sessions you attended), it is primarily composed of 4-year institutions. Next year, Educause will be in Orlando, FL and I already have lots of ideas on sessions for Maricopa.

This week, for a couple of days only, I'll be at the League for Innovation's CIT Conference. CIT is much smaller, but attended exclusively by community colleges. Chris Dede from Harvard will be keynoting among others.

While at Educause, I heard Dede speak on data mining to assess student learning. While this practice of examining large data warehouses to develop predictive models for various higher education challenges is not necessarily new, we're hearing much more about how it's done (i.e., how the models work) and how it's supporting the strategic use of resources. I attended three sessions on educational analytics at Educause, but there were probably others. If you haven't already done so, check out these recently published materials on analytics.