
the versatility of the podcast

2007-2008 will be an exciting year for podcasting at Maricopa...

We have many new things planned: a four-level series of podcasting for educators (see http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/ for more information as we get closer to fall); a kickoff of iTunes U at Maricopa, and a new podcasting tool in Blackboard called Learning Objects. The more I work in the podcasting space, the more I am amazed by all of its applications. Check out these resources:


and this Teaching w Technology White Paper: Podcasting.

1 comment:

Mary Jane said...

Hi veronica,
I tried to view the MCLI offering coming up this fall, but I guess the MCCD internet system is down. Good thing that we can use blogger.com.
Thanks to Alisa's workshops last semester I've been incorporating podcasting into developmental reading courses that I teach. I received permission from my textbook publisher to record the reading selections in the text. Then I put the podcasts on Blackboard. My students can read and listen to the text selections through our course site. I am interested in having students podcast with Wimba in the fall.